Vitality 270
NCS S 1070-Y
Family 60
Vitality 40

Unrepeatable life power of spring is brought to every home with uplifting color tones.

Unexpected shades of green spectre of the color chart are interwoven as young sprouts and old leaves and create the foundation for adding lively textures. Polished brass, pink ceramics and yellowish textiles complete the warmth of brick shades and create unexpectedly stylish image of the ambience.



The JUB Home Painter simplifies the selection of colours and textures with typical  examples.
For any JUBIZOL ETIC system you decide to purchase, we offer a discount for the price of a colour study.
Contacts JUB Design Studio: JUB Kemična industrija d.o.o.; Dol pri Ljubljani 28; 1262 Dol pri Ljubljani; T: +386 1 588 43 90, E: design-studio@jub.si