Wood protection and painting

Wood is a natural material that is susceptible to aging and various pests, so it has to be properly protected and cared for. For protection, topcoats or wood stains can be applied that will keep the texture of the wood visible thanks to their transparency. Both transparent wood stains and topcoats are available in pre-prepared shades or in numerous other shades produced at a JUMIX Centre. The water line is complemented by solvent-based products, which we recommend for use on heavily-exposed external surfaces.

System solutions on water-based products

Description of problem/solution

The most commonly used system – steps and products

Additional explanation/advice

First painting or restoration of paint / interior / visible wood structure

Coating: 2x JUBIN Lasur

The product can also be used to paint toys. Can be tinted in shades according to the JUB colour chart.

First painting / exterior / visible wood structure

Coating: 1x JUBIN Impregnacia


Coating: 2x JUBIN Lasur

JUBIN Impregnacia is used for protecting new wood. It effectively protects against blue stain, rot and wood pests.

It is also suitable for the protection and painting of outdoor playground equipment. Can be tinted in shades according to the JUB colour chart.

Restoration of paint / exterior / visible wood structure

Coating: 1-2x JUBIN Lasur

The solution is also suitable for the painting of outdoor playground equipment. Can be tinted in shades according to the JUB colour chart.

Protection and painting / interior / topcoats

Coating: 1x JUBIN Decor Primer


Coating: 1-2x JUBIN Decor Universal

JUBIN Decor Primer protects the wood and prevents the secretion of tannin, which may cause yellowish stains on the surface.

The product can also be used to paint toys. Can be tinted in shades according to the JUB colour chart.

First painting and protection / exterior / topcoats

Coating: 1x JUBIN Impregnacia


Coating: 1-2x JUBIN Decor Primer


Coating: 2x JUBIN Decor Universal

The solution is also suitable for the painting of outdoor playground equipment. Can be tinted in shades according to the JUB colour chart.


System solutions and solvent-based products

Description of problem/solution

The most commonly used system – steps and products

Additional explanation/advice

Protection and painting / exterior / topcoats

Coating: 1x JUBIN Wood Primer


Coating: 2x JUBIN Email Universal

Recommended for painting heavily-exposed surfaces.

First painting / exterior / visible wood structure

Coating: 1x JUBIN Lazurbase


Coating: 2x JUBIN Lazurtop




Coating: 1x JUBIN Lazurbase


Coating: 3x JUBIN Lazurton

Recommended for painting heavily-exposed surfaces.

Restoration of paint / exterior / visible wood structure

Coating: 2x JUBIN Lazurtop




Coating: 3x JUBIN Lasurton

Recommended for painting heavily-exposed surfaces.


The JUB Home Painter simplifies the selection of colours and textures with typical  examples.
For any JUBIZOL ETIC system you decide to purchase, we offer a discount for the price of a colour study.
Contacts JUB Design Studio: JUB Kemična industrija d.o.o.; Dol pri Ljubljani 28; 1262 Dol pri Ljubljani; T: +386 1 588 43 90, E: design-studio@jub.si