Peace and relaxation

Wisdom 145
Freedom 35
Family 265
Success 10

The rhythm of life is too fast; therefore, you should create your nook for relaxation at home. The combination of cold violet colour tones and hollow green is ideal for creating a feeling of peace and tranquillity. 



Graphite grey metal, natural wood, light furniture, and greenery are welcome points for creating contrasts in space.



The JUB Home Painter simplifies the selection of colours and textures with typical  examples.
For any JUBIZOL ETIC system you decide to purchase, we offer a discount for the price of a colour study.
Contacts JUB Design Studio: JUB Kemična industrija d.o.o.; Dol pri Ljubljani 28; 1262 Dol pri Ljubljani; T: +386 1 588 43 90, E: